Inline Fabrication

I am looking for a Ultramount for a Lyman T-Mag 2 turret press made by Inline Fabrication.

Does anyone know of a dealer or distributor for Inline Fabrication that sells the Ultramount for presses other than a Dillon in Australia?

At this hour of night I am struggling to understand the question, but I suspect you are asking if you could get Ultramount for a Lyman T-Mag 2 in Australia. If that’s the case, I have no idea. However, why not just order from them direct?

Email: dan at

They do make them but what I was asking is if there is a dealer in Australia that sells the Inline products , if not I will order one direct.

Uh, don’t know.

They have a cool t-shirt

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Don’t think they have any local distributors. Dan is really good to deal with.

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Yep it’s looking like I will have to order direct.
There are a few that sell their light kits and mounts for Dillon but nothing else.

Cheers everyone.