Leading off from another thread where I suggested that
Would be a perfect gun if you could only own one gun for all your hunting and shooting.
Something like this would be my choice.
What gun would you choose if you could only have one?
Leading off from another thread where I suggested that
Would be a perfect gun if you could only own one gun for all your hunting and shooting.
Something like this would be my choice.
What gun would you choose if you could only have one?
Yeah, either the top one. Or 12ga with barrel inserts to accomodate other chamberings.
Those shotty/rifle combos have made me think, but a sporter .303 for me no doubt tough as
I really love the idea of combinations, I have had two (1) 223/12G and (2) 22wmr/.410. The idea is great, but I found that it wasn’t easy to get the best out of either the rifle or the shotgun (maybe I was doing something wrong).
A shotgun would have to make the short list simply based on load versatility, but I have three, and they get used less than my 223 and 25-06
One of these- https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/64/3463/american-arms-international-american-180-m2-machine-gun-22lr
Ahhh. The old swarm of angry bee’s.
Ill be a dick and get a drillings in 9.3 x 9.3 with a set of 20ga barrels.