Hunting trip, Back o’ Bourke

So I went on a hunting trip, to literally the Back of Bourke. Remote NW NSW.
Few mates from work are into running dogs and quads on the pigs.
Got an invite , so I grabbed a few guns and away we went. Won’t show any dead animals but enjoy the scenery.
Amazing country. Furthest inland I’ve been.

We did well , got 7 pigs over 4 days. We had to work hard for them.
Plenty of critters up there for some spotlighting.
Great adventure.


Its just mental in the outback, no matter which state you are in. It’s such a mean, harsh, killer place and there is just so much of it.


Its a great area mate, glad you had a good time

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Did you wack any of those goats?
Im keen to get out west and chase a few soon.

Looks like a great time mate.

Yeah I took a couple, got a nice trophy head and the dogs had a good feed. One bloke took a leg home for curry.

Haven’t had a chance to clean it up yet.


Damn if that red dust doesn’t get into every nook and cranny.
Been cleaning guns for days

See! Air compressor!

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