Henry single shot rifles

Not really. The headspacing is set by the machining of the barrel in break actions. If the lugs are worn to the extent of putting one barrel out of spec even the original one would be too.

Got $500 spare? https://www.buyusedguns.com.au/baikal-12h-18h-in-30-06--13399.html

I bearly have a spare 50 bucks these days, but I’ll be back in the game soon and my plan is to slowly replace my carry rifles for singles shots like that brilliant find.

Both of the Baikals are OK rifles. The 30-06 looked a pretty good buy. But I think still over priced for used rifles. I bought my new bolt action marlin x7 223 for $520 new. Not unusual to see new Howas at that price too. Yep, plastic stocks but why would you buy a used single shot at that price?

Because I think they are cool…

Fair enough. Very light to carry, big positive for hunting in the hills. But so would going on a diet. Lol

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Wow, @Oldbloke is dishing it out tonight.

New medication???

The diet reference was about me. Sheeesh


I think most of us could/would benefit from a diet, I know that I fall into that category lol.

It just means you can handle recoil better right? Right?

Ok I could loose some weight too.

@Wombat so far I think that the recoil track is the best answer yet.

Idiots. It’s obviously for safety. Much harder to kidnap a fat guy.

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That must be true, I’ve never been kidnapped

Lol. Same here

@GUN-DMC when your fat Im obese and looking for tent clothes to wear.