Help, New laws are forcing me to get rid of my CZ!

Hi All,

As the title says, I got a nasty letter in the mail from the WA Police, telling me that I need to dispose of one of my rifles. I’m looking for some advice on this, as I’d strongly prefer to keep my CZ.

The key part of the letter reads:

Upon commencement of the 2024 Act on March 31, 2025 you transitional authority will be suspended in accordance with Section 415 (5) as your license relates to a prohibited firearm.
For reference, please see the relevant extract of Schedule 2, Division 1 of the 2024 Regulations below:
Schedule 2 – Prohibited firearms
[r. 12]
Division 1 – Prohibited firearms

  1. a firearm, commonly known as a rapid-release action firearm, which automatically ejects a spent cartridge after firing as has a button, lever or similar mechanism to reload the firearm with a new cartridge.
    It has been identified that you are currently licensed to a firearm that meets the definition of a rapid-release firearm:
    In order for your transitional authority to be reinstated you will need to dispose of the firearm.

It goes on to explain how I can do this. Is there any way I can avoid this? The whole thing seems completely unfair to me.

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Realistically mate, the only way you’re keeping it is if you move to Australia right now.
We are welcoming refo’s from shit holes like WA.

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first question id ask, did you go to the rally held by shooters union contesting these laws ??

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NO is the answer from all ive read. you screwed like many other wa gun owners. so get rid of it b4 they just take it. your problem also is hand to hand freighters out of wa will charge around $300 to ship out if you can get a buyer. auspost cant do any much stuff for sale of banned firearms from wa on gun sites. good luck.

As stated the only options are to render it, sell it over east or hand it to the cops.

There was talk from Cook about compensation for these but don’t know until after the election.

Hi @T3xan I think it’s worth watching this video:

The Future of firearm’s in Australia… (Mark and Sam After Work). He brings up a few good points…

That’s about it, maybe @ShootersUnion could chime in. That’s really it.

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was a long watch but well worth it

Unfortunately you are not the first here to be forced into this situation I wont mention his name here but he gave the rifle to a fellow shooter in more reasonable state just to piss the stupid authorities off. Good on him it was a win for him and the other bloke and the dickheads didnt remove a gun from Aus.

was add up today usedguns for cz515 tac 22lr $800 nib delivered to me tasmania. had to buy it. feel sorry to the gun industry / shooters in wa forced to sell.

I think we should bring democracy to western australia’s natural resources.
P.s. they don’t deserve capital letters?

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Thanks for your responses everyone.

Given I don’t have many options, I’d be willing to sell if for the cost of transportation plus a small fee, purely to stick it to the authorities for screwing me. So, if anyone wants to buy a CZ 515 Tactical in 22 Magnum, DM me!


suggest you get price from your local dealer, fee transfer and send freight so you know that cost.