Hand forged knives for sale

In case you’ve missed my obsessive knife making posts elsewhere, i make hand forged knives under the name Wandering Trout Jand Forged Cutlery. Each knife i make is unique asnd truly hand crafted. Each knife is documented as a limited production and comes with a certificate stating all details relevant to the blade asnd construction… yep: full wank factor! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

At the moment i am trying to fund a GRS stock for my f-class rifle so i am biting the bullet and offering for sale a few knives i have made and had planned to keep myself. They are all sharp and hold a good edge. If my knives don’t pass function tests they don’t go anywhere!

Top to bottom (plus post):

“Snake Charmer” 8" $200
Camp Utility 3.5" $160
General Utility 4.5" $160
Field Utility hunter 4" $160

Happy to answer questions…

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As someone whom is in possession of a Wondering Trout made Knife and also understanding how much work goes into making such things, I can say that anyone looking for a one of a kind hand crafted knife would be hard pressed to find another bladesmith with such reasonable prices (under priced IMO)…

Here’s mine… (SEXY HUH) :sunglasses:

I love it…

BTW… @Gwion , I have been meaning to report back on the knife… As I have been unable to get out to test it myself as promised due to personal matters… I have LOANED it to a mate that culls Deer for a Vineyard, he has put it through its paces on over 20 occasions and rates it above his beloved US made Old Timers…

Reported… Edge retention was good, hand feel was superb, (Do I have to give it back ?)… “Me”, Hell Yeah…!!.. I got it back today as I was starting to doubt I would… :wink:

BTW… That snake Charmer looks cool as! (they all do)… Is it made from a rasp ? Beautiful work mate :+1:


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Yeah I also have one but I’ve only tried it on a couple of foxes definitely holds a good edge

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Glad you’re both happy with them!
@darwindingo. Yes, it is a horse rasp. I made two knives from one rasp and sold it’s buddy for $250. I really wanted to keep all tthese but i want a new stock for my rifle more so they gotta go! :cry::wink::+1:

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@Gwion, the things we have to sacrifice for our hobbies :innocent::innocent::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:

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Bottom one is now spoken for. Thanks Dude. :grinning::+1:

Thanks Gwion. Got it today. Very happy with it and love the certificate. :+1:

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Glad it arrived safe and you like it, Dude! :grinning::+1:
Use it well, mate.

:sunglasses: Enjoy, Old mate (Dude)… that’s a farking sweet blade you acquired mate… :drooling_face:


The zombie slayer and those two utility knives are still available.

@Gwion just to let you know it arrived safe and sound. It looks even better than the photo shows. I was going to give it to the wife for Christmas but decided to give it to her now, to say I scored major brownie points is an understatement. She loves it.

The craftsmanship is fantastic and it is a credit to you.

If anyone is looking for a custom made knife you will not be disappointed in the work that @Gwion does.


Thanks mate. Glad it arrived safe and that you are both happy with it. Hope it’s sharp enough for her! :wink:

She says that it is and that it is the perfect length to reach my heart… not sure what she means. :woozy_face::woozy_face: :wink:


hmmm… maybe I’m a little concerned! :rofl:

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Still have the rasp knife and general utility knife here if anyone wants one. Also that skinning/fleshing knife that @GUN-DMC was interested in is sitting in the drawer feeling unloved. DOesn’t even have an edge yet.

Got busy with tourist season and business development but now the season if officially over i have remembered that i also make knives! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Should run workshops for your guests.

It’s on the cards. Think it’s even suggested on our (very crappy) website…

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That would be my kind of holiday

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Time to bump this.