Game: Guess that cartridge

Looks a bit more like a sex toy.


It’s .224, but they also came in .30 cal and in 30mm!

Its the worlds worst chamber flag isn’t it?

It is definitely something weird lol

It looks like it goes in this lol

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Yeah, a hot chamber… flag!

It was developed in the USA.

…and it comes in duplex and triplex :zipper_mouth_face:

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Obviously a lot of Fab acid being passed around in the 60’s & 70’s :laughing:

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Is it for a combo gun like a 12G over a 30 cal?

No, it was an experiment in cleaner more complete combustion.

You could almost say it is one of the case less breed of ammo.

.223 calibre

5.56 Folded

It is a 5.56F something

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Something .38 cal special frangible for air marshal’s?

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Close enough, it is called ThunderZap and was released in .38 and.45 ACP. It is high velocity with little penetration but a high shock round.
Originally designed for home defence so that if you missed your target it would not kill your neighbours.

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Shotgun shell full of small nails works well for that!

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