Game: Guess that cartridge

357 Magnum and a 9x23 Winchester?

@Justice come on mate, stop letting real life get in the way of trivial internet games!

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Yep thats them :+1:


I recon this is something big that you’d fire from a bolt action?

Yes to both those things

Is it a .950 JDJ?

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sure is mate :+1:

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is it a .224?

Yes it sure is :sunglasses:

Gotta be a 224-midget…:sunglasses:

Close but no. Though it is small

224-dwarf. :rofl:


It’s be more like a 224-choad

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Nah not that one either.

22 + so aspect ratio is around 223, but smaller. I figured it looks somewhat like a SIG cartridge, could be pistol. Little bit of research and we have…

22TCM - freaky!

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