If the price is right…
308w… Be quite interesting snapping a few off with that pistol. Much bigger pistol than the photo suggests.
Probably cost a lot to fuck it up that badly. On top of all the mods its rusty under the paint.
That is one Bubba. How can a person do that to a gun and then put it up for sale. They must have no shame.
A tactical 45-70 perhaps they were making a submission to the Govt to take the cartridge up for use again. A full auto version soon to follow.
He must of read some of that bs about rapid fire, paramilitary, semi-semiauto Adler and thought " I can do better than that".
It’s not even black.
That definitely make the short list for ugliest gun. Surely h er could have painted it black…jeeeshhh
I would LOOOOOOOVE this in 223. Minus the rails, but definitely a flash hider.
Sorry but that is ugly…
Yep you win lol…
C’mon, someone place an Ad for the ‘Lucky 13’ stocked Adler…
That 308W dont know how the bloke used the scope. surly the hammer would take his eye out.
I’d buy it if it had the Latvian flag on it or maybe if it was pink with unicorns, but what kind of try hard would buy that stupid looking thing in Australia?
I have seen that and I thought exactly the same. Maybe unicorns or hello kitty, but American flag, in Australia, wtf
But you both already have one with unicorns on it.
Yeah…it’s dumb, no one wants that. (Small tear rolls down cheek).
Good for fun at the range. An interesting talking point, would annoy the fuck out of experts, probably a hit with Millennials.
Why must you be so unkind.
I might buy it, wear my “MAGA” hat to the range. Strut to the shooting bench blaring the star spangled Banner and holding sparklers.