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Teehehe, Nice. :clown_face:

Gaddamn sunuvabeechā€¦ :confounded::rofl:

Well jokes on you, you canā€™t fool people after lunch!

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Missed his mark by 32mins! :rofl:

Turnsout I can and I did :blush:

Can I have my butthole picture back then.


Um, it has been, err, uh, hrmm. No, I lost it.

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@juststarting is that the photo you advertised on

@Supaduke i hope youā€™ve been doing your Kegels, that adā€™s had more hits than Elvis.


The old sharpie in the butthole photo trick. Still gettinā€™ em!

Please explain. I have no idea what you are on about. I must have lived a sheltered life. Never heard of any butthole photo tricks.

We must live under the same rock because ā€œsharpie in the buttholeā€ is a sentence iā€™ve never heard before either.

Come on @JizzFlinger whatā€™s the sharpie trick???

Soā€¦there apparently is a website that offers free crypto or some other bait for unsuspecting idiots who actually shove a sharpie where the sun dont shine and post pics. As opposed to reddit where there a sub reddits dedicated to inserting things of all shapes and sizesā€¦and gendersā€¦into their rear holes. For free.

Yeah, they do it for free.


I sense a disturbance in the force

As the formal title JS was going to implement seems to have been sidetracked. Until that can get back on track please refer to me as Field Marshal Sungazer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: