Say I want to get into designing firearm actions, which neccesitates prototyping, but I don’t want to go to jail for making “ghost guns”. What licence / permit do I need?
Also, and I presume not, but if I want to design and make firearm accessories, like side mounted shell holders, or bullet quivers, I don’t need a licence / permit, right?
I’m in VIC if that matters at all, and no I haven’t started, just checking if it’ll be worth my while. From what I’ve read, I’d need a Dealer or Gunsmith licence / permit.
Short answer, no clue.
Longer answer, I am 110% you would need some sort of a licence, I think even to start sketching stuff like that.
Everything else, plastic fantastic stands, holders, trays and what not… I presume not. It’s not a licence-required part that you can by from anywhere, so yeah.
From memory - & don’t quote me on this, I am neither lawyer or expert - manufacturers licence required for any registrable part (which may vary from state to state). Ie: if it needs a serial number on it, you need a manufacturing licence to make it (registered gunsmith).
Just an observation, but most of the companies I’m aware of that make firearms in Oz are in Qld which leads me to believe it might be easier to get the licensing up thete.
The only way to get the exact requirements would be to ask someone actually in the know at your weapons branch in Vic. It might be worth emailing Shooters Union with the question too, they may have some insight into what you need or even have a helpful contact for you.