Bushmeister BA-X12

Yeah, very unfortunate, but let it ride I guess. See what happens.

As long as the action remains legal I bet weā€™ll be flooded with designs soon enough.
Same as levers and straight pulls.

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you can bet your ass that border farce are not happy that for once we achieved something. i fully expect them to be stringently inspecting and ballistics testing each and every lever release shotgun looking for any way to convert it back to semi auto.

on the topic of lobbies i find it funny that for once we actually achieved something, and it only happened because NIOA created SIFA after they saw how popular the adler was (and how much money they made), and realized they stand to loose a lot of money if they keep bending over.

Just got this in an email from NIOA

Regrettably NIOA advises that as of today, the Bushmeister Project has been placed on hold indefinitely.

It has just come to NIOAā€™s attention that there is an issue with the design of the Bushmeister shotgun requiring further investigation by the manufacturer.

As NIOA does not have a timeframe for resolution, we have decided not to accept any orders.

We acknowledge that this will inconvenience many of you who were eagerly awaiting the launch of this product. Our sales team shall keep you updated as information becomes available.

3 hours too late see above

Nail on the head. When there are commercial interests involved, itā€™s game time. New generation couldnā€™t give a flying fuck about oooo ma thityosix singles shot. Just look at this wood Berry, oh they donā€™t make them like they did in the 50s. Tactical, cool, funky. And even then, thereā€™s only so many bolt actions a yuong dude will buy until they all start looking the same. So yeah, evolution or extinctionā€¦

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iā€™m happy with this arrangement. No amount of crowdfunding orgs like SU or NSC will ever get us as far as the cash rich NIOA looking to make a profit out of the latest technology. And if we the consumer vote with our wallets with which products we want, weā€™re effectively directing their lobbying efforts.

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No i was right on time you just came too early :wink:


Now that you say that, Iā€™m realising all but one of my guns are bolt actions :confused: . Only need a 30-06 to be considered an old bloke.

I saw somewhere else that it was possibly a patent issue. Apparently the action design is way too close to the Verney Carron one.

Then youā€™d better link it in here

Reddit Talk - I havenā€™t been able to find the FB post yet



Devil is in the detail. There is certainly ā€˜prior artā€™, so off the cuff French can be told to get fucked (again, lol). Or there are mechanisms that are demonstrably similar and unique, then itā€™s going to be an ouchy.

We shall see.

It also helps that NIOAā€™s CEO is also the son in law of a Federal MP (Katter). While Katter isnā€™t as influential as he could be as an indi, I would imagine that he knows the right people to contact to actually get a consultation process running, rather than the rest of us mob writing endless letters to our MPs.

I suspect its far more than that. SIFA simply has the bucks to hire the best lawyers to get the wheel turning. Bob Katter canā€™t influence shit. Nor would i suspect he has any contacts outside of Federal parliament, like border force, AFP, Attorny generals dep. Dep. of Home affairs etc. All these deps had some hand in these new auto ejecting shoties.

Hmm, I dunno. I know someone who worked a bit as a lobbyist for the health industry here. I think thereā€™s opportunity to make acquaintances with everyone.

Of course the money really turns the wheels, especially when it comes to lawyers; I just canā€™t help but think having Katter in your back pocket probably helps SIFA.

Just got an email from Cleavers that itā€™s back on sale - sounds like the issue has been resolved.

Yeah me too, good to see they got it sorted, they look alright and are a good price, if i didnā€™t already have shotguns that donā€™t get used (one has never even been fired lol) iā€™d have a look at them for sure.

Anyone has one on pre-order?