Broke my Taipan without a shot fired.

Glad to hear it mate, looking foward to hearing how much fun it is to shoot!

Anyone seeing 300BLK versions of these in stock yet?

Nevermind, I bought one locally. It will be here in March :slight_smile:


We can call off the search party, then! :nerd_face::+1:

Yeah everyone stop looking!

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A gift that keeps on giving.

Taipan Lite 2000 round Review - YouTube

Not a great look for Taipan. On the other hand, I love the younger generation of shooters. Nope, sorry, broken, warranty claim. Nope, still bad, go back and try again. Love it.

…including broken bolt lugs, hollly crapolla. I think this is pretty much it for them. And I really feel like they marred ALL Australian manufacturers with that brush too!

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