Bored shit-posting

I enjoyed that, a little closer to the bone than I care to admit.

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Queensland would like to sincerely apologise for the AFL pre match entertainment choices.

We had one chance…and we FUCKED IT!!

Edit: Apart from the bloke who sang the national anthem, he fuck’n rocked it!!!

I wholeheartedly agree, @JSS.

This feels like a very uneventful game.

Who is playing and who is winning?

Geelong & Richmond, and Richmond are ahead by 22 with 7 mins to go.

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Wow… All over for the Cats.

I’m so hyped that metro Melbourne retail is reopening. I’ve got 4 firearms that need picking up lol.

Pity they’re in all corners of Melbourne - Can’t do it all in one trip.


So proud of you. So, so proud.

@Tempestman if you order a couple of extra guns from each shop it will make the driving around more worthwhile.


I just don’t even know what to say…

Yeah, me neither lol

Strange mating ritual.

@juststarting what google rabbit hole were you spiralling down when you found that??

No idea. Just saw it.

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@JSS I know you like my video dumps :slight_smile:


Love it! In theme: