My Beretta 92FS 22 is a worthy replacement for my old Walther PPQ M2 22 BUT the sights are a pain, white dots aren’t great and being tap adjustable limits things, trying to find a fibre optic sight to fit when none of these importers seem to want to answer emails is making life difficult as I don’t want to take a chance ordering one only to find the dove tails isn’t the right size …
A measurement of the 92FS 9mm front and rear dove tail slots on the slide if anyone can would be a great help as it should be the closest …
Otherwise the Beretta is going really well, a pleasure to use, though still has the blurry sights on some days like the Walther …
I have trouble with pistol sights. Either I wear my reading glasses and the sights a crisp and clear, but the target is blurry or I have fuzzy sights and a clear target.
I have now painted the trailing edge of the front sight on 2 of my pistols with really bright nail polish and it’s made a huge difference for me.
I can’t help with Berretta dovetails or fibre optics, but I can offer that cheap easy solution.
Hope it helps mate.
Lol,lol, Yep tried many things for the blurry sights but its my eyes, start off sharp but goes wobbly, just look away or adjust arms , a real pain for someone who could once just snap off a shot … I have done the white paint then some bright nail polish on my Cadet fore sight gave a nice glow, I have fibre optic on my Sig and they just make things so much sharper but I might give the day glow nail polish trick a go in the interim, might just do the trick …