Anyone plays online chess?

Yeah, that’s why. Easy pray. Generally, under 800, people just consider you new to chess and start doing kid stuff. Get to 800 - 850.

I think the move you’re describing is called the Scholar’s Mate?

I use it a lot with beginners to show them how it works. If they have any brains it only works once or not at all but you can also use it as a bluff to set up some other moves and force pieces into play.

It’s basically the first move decribed in ‘how to play chess’ books.


Point in time, when Luigi realised that the end is near.

Not online, But I wouldn’t mind a set like this…:heart_eyes::sunglasses:



I was thinking about something like this the other day…

There are those of us that put their minds to good use :+1::beers:

Not surprising, that it’s always shooters though…!!! :grinning::beers: