So the red deer in the Brisbane valley have started roaring. A mate showed us a trail cam video of a double 7 marking a wallow, cruising with half a dozen ladies. He’s on private property so he’s confident he’ll get him soon.
Good stuff mate, I’ll be out next week’s hopefully.
Heard on the radio the other day that were was supposed to be loads of deer near the Kinglake Area; could be worth a wander over there.
Can confirm alot near kinglake, loads in the whole valley, only slivers of good shootable land though, real shame, hoping to sight in most of the guns this weekend and get a friend of mine who bought her first rifle involved in the hunting action
You mean your girlfriend
Aren’t there are bunch of state forests in the area? I thought hunting was allowed there?
There is one very short and narrow one. The rest is National Park and private land on both sides. The deer are under quite a bit of pressure from shooters so they know where to hide and go for a feed.
Mt Disappointment which is also very close lives up to its name. The country side is completely different and is more like Wombat State Forrest.
Sungazer pretty much summed it up, they have a whole valley of private land and national park, it’s also quite a busy forest with trail bike riders and 4wders so only the dumb deer hang out in the state forest and they don’t last long at all, you’ll work hard elsewear further north or east, very mountainous terrain, not saying its not worth a shot, i’ve seen heaps latelly its just a matter of the stars aligning as to being where you can shoot one
Still to warm. I’m fly fishing the Kiewa and Mitta Mitta Rivers still. Wait until the first snow is on the ground, late May, for N/E Victoria.