antique firearms?

Agree. Keith should have stated, ‘in NSW…’ and JS should have stated, ’ in Vic…’

Blanket remarks about firearms legislation are flaunt with pitfalls.


All the Acts and regs from each state are posted in the legal section


Stop your bitching! That lovely little clause in our constitution that prevents the Feds from making gun laws is all that stopped Little Johnny from taking your prized possessions and turning them into an EF Falcon. I mean if they were made into SS Group A’s, I could be satisfied.

'Murica! My 2A! etc…etc…

:man_facepalming: oh dear

I don’t think it matters anymore at any rate. We haven’t seen the O.P back since they asked the question. I reckon it was just a fishing exercise, someone looking for a loophole to acquire firearms without a licence.
Happy for them to prove otherwise.