Another WA report

I’ve set an alarm for 11:30 tomorrow to print 40 odd copies of that and stick it on every notice board I can find at work

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That is excellent my friend!

At least they don’t just hate shooters, they hate the people that grow their food too.
Fuck your whole state!


At this rate I reckon WA Labor will sink the voice, Albo and the state government with their overreach so I don’t really mind a bit of short term pain.

But Canada is an example of how bad things can get…


What a joke nearly as bad when your parents said if you dont eat your dinner were going to send it to a poor kid in Africa.


Just when you think their stupidity and ridiculous stunts could never be topped there’s this…

I can just see it, they’d send them over then say see we told you, those weapons we banned are exactly what’s being used in wars in other countries…lucky we banned them and saved lives.


Why dont we compromise and send PapSmear to Ukraine?


Nah we want them to win, send him to Russia he would fit in better with the other want to be dictators.


Because based off feedback from some regiment guys i don’t think he would help anyone. They call him scuba Steve.

Yeah, but at least he’d be a long way away and maybe he’d get…

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That’s good for us if we put up any sort of resistance…

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