all Pistol Clubs in the NT, all Cat H licenses are invalid

Thanks for explaining, and WOW you’d think they’d just exempt anyone already licenced and change things moving forward if they just wanted to add a safety course in and be reasonable.
This just seems like a complete insertion of a pineapple up your ring gear. Once this gets sorted i wonder if they’ll find another thing to put all you illegal bastards on hold again??


The current Firearms douche is.going through the legislation with a fine toothed pubic hair comb looking for anything he can make shooters comply with.
Last thing was ammunition limits.

I still lurk but don’t have much to contribute to these days :sob: thats what i get for being a sand groper now, all about that bow life now

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So does this mean that if your licence is currently up for renewal they just ignore you, and then voila they win and you have no licence & have to start all over again when they eventually decide on a course that’s suitable? Or do they keep this game going and all of you end up with renewals in limbo and no more valid licences??
In the game of Complete C&ntery & Butt Fuckery these pricks might be onto a very sneaky check mate…
I know I’m doing a lot of uninformed assuming here (and perhaps some tin foiling), but if i wanted to fuck you without having to make any law or legislation changes this is the perfect move and what i’d be doing.

Literally all Cat H and Cat C (Sporting Club) licence business is on hold, has been for a couple of weeks. Renewals, permits, safe inspections, amendments, you name it. Its on hold and no clear pathway forward has yet been decided on.

Bravo NTPOL for upstaging WAPOL (for now)

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Lets just for both your sakes it doesn’t become a competition!

Things you can’t do in NT