All about Bianca!

We all go through testing times. It’s different for everyone… My time has come. As I sit here on a tram… And I forgot my headphones. And there’s a daro funt sitting across from me yelling “suck shit Bianca” at random intervals for the last 10 minutes. This is going to be an enduring 40 minutes. But I’m beginning to think that Bianca is no good. And as I type this, this spastic started spitting. Ooooo this is going to be fun.


Bianca now should burn in the sun.

Apparently Bianca is from Toorak and didn’t help him. I’m really beginning to dislike this Bianca.

Alright. I’m OK. In the city. What did we learn from this experience?

Don’t forget your headphones.
Bianca really wronged that darro.

Ha, thought I’d be a longer trip. Not bad.

I don’t do public transport.

So there I was , talking to Bianca and this wierd dude with no headphones kept staring at me…

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Bianca wasn’t there. He was just yelling into space.

That’s were you say to him as you are coming up to the next stop…" Hey look there is Bianca" and with luck he will get off to find her.

Gosh, I haven’t caught a tram in over 20 years. Number 3 from Waverly Rd to Caulfield Station mostly. Unironically thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

Bianca was there, everyone else could see her. You made Bianca upset by ignoring her.

Yep, everyday train ride to cbd…

By the way she treated that guy, she deserves to be upset.

I got so sick of his shit I had to change my name from Bianca to Ben.

I knew a Bianca once, come to think of it she was a bitch too…maybe tram man is onto something.

Hrmmm, maybe you are that man!

Fuck you and the Bianca you rode in on… suck shit and burn in the sun!!!
Shit…i can’t find my tram tickets…

Train. Trams are a little different.

True, but in your first post you said tram…or did Bianca change it on you?
No wonder Bianca’s being such a Bitch, you people down there don’t even know if you’re on trams or trains…

Bianca probably gave him a bad hangover, should know better than to overindulge in Hungarian wine even if you buy it in Toorak. Then telling his mate all about it on bluetooth made him look mad.