Yeah that’s the worry…it wil be like rats to chicken feed… next you will be singing kumbaya and growing flowers from your rifle barrel mate
Maybe we should lobby for a conceal carry permit for kale? World peace would be possible if we all carried fully loaded semi auto kale on our hip.
As for the original question, i don’t think we really have the f#cked up cowboy culture or safety issues here that requires it yet. Also considering that guns are harder to get here than in the US, i think the guns themselves would become the actual target for robberies.
So you’re walking down the street feeling safe & cool with your sidearm locked and loaded ready to go and old Mr Crook comes up behind you puts his muzzle in your back and says “hand over your wallet and your gun”. Unless you’re John Wick he’s walking away with both and you’re left standing there with a dumb look on your face, empty holster, and a lot of paperwork to do and questions to answer with the boys in blue. Not to mention you’ve now contributed to another illegal firearm in the hands of the scumbags.
Other than that it’s a great idea
All that being said if we were allowed to carry i would for sure…not because i feel scared, just because i love my guns
How would the crim know you have a little shorty tucked down in your pants though? Unless your a 5.11 tacticool i conceal carry monkey it’s really anyones guess from the old lady with a snub nose 38 special to the vets colt .45 and this is from hanging around in some US states that are pro 2nd ammendment and pro conceal carry i felt very safe
Yeah you’ve contributed to a crims firearm collection but you still have your life
In that situation you’d still have your life whether you were carrying or not. How did losing your firearm as well as your wallet help or save you in any way?? As i said due to firearms being hard to get it may be what caused the situation in the first place.
Also i live in Qld it’s warm up here, not a lot to really hide your conceal carry. Yes it would be covered but it wouldn’t really be a secret.
Pickpockets all over the world can pick which pocket you wallet is in or if you’ve got a money belt on so they can swipe it, , do you really think if people were looking for concealed firearms to target them that they wouldn’t be able to spot them?
Theres alot of ’ what ifs ’ which could change the outcome of that situation, but the best defence against that situation is not getting into it in the first place.
It also gets hot in the states and they don’t have an issue, you’d be amazed whats on the market and techniques there are to properly conceal, remember a firearm is just a tool it’s not the be all and end all.
Weapons retention is an issue but with training that risk can be controlled
I’m not really for or against, i know i’d need way more training before i was confident to ccw, i am just a pleb