4th of July How many Injuries?

Well its the 4th of July and cracker night in the US how many fingers will be lost or in general how many injuries do you think will be sustained?

I really miss the old Guy Fawkes night not just for the crackers that I used to buy and play with but the bag of stuff that dad would bring home and light in the backyard. A huge assortment of sky rockets spinners ect.

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No takers for a guesstimate Hint in 2021 there were 10200 and in 2022 there was about a 10% decrease due to covid. They dont allow fireworks in hospitals :rofl:

Perhaps with our medicare and the gov picking up the bill for our carelessness they took the toys away from us like naughty children. In the US everyone makes money out of the day.

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Well, 1st of July up here in Darwin was absolutely grand. One severed arm, some testicular shrapnel and spot fires everywhere.
I sold a shit tonne. More than two in fact.

What your still allowed to have fireworks up there in the boon docks?

One night per year, every year. July 01, Territory Day!

We apply for a license to sell ($700-$1500 depending on volume storage) in June and the wholesalers bring 100 ton of crackers to the NT.

Its a massive operation, lots of local shops selling them, interstate operators, you can buy them just about anywhere.

We have packs from $20 to $495. Our average customer spend this year was $110.

We are a small outlet, the bigger guys sell mega amounts, one averaged a $240 per customer sale, thats bonkers.

The deal is though, that the wholesalers must credit and take back any unsold crackers as its illegal to posess outside the license terms which is about three days.

I mean Id keep like 200kgs of crackers for myself and drive them down to melbourne.for my little spastic pyro methhead brother, but that would be illegal.


Ha, I just some crackers going off up the street. It takes about a week for people to exhaust their left over supplies, except for Queenslanders.
Queenslanders will hold onto them for 11 months for State Of Origin and every try you will hear Queenslander infested homes in the NT go off with crackers in the middle if the street, every time theres a try or a penalty score. And when they win, the cops come out.


Today is the last day some Americans will wake up with 10 fingers :joy:

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Next time you don’t do that please don’t let me know because i’d never ever want to buy a shit tonne of crackers if you called in on your way through.
Although it would be lovely to just catch up for a soy chai latte and a wheatgrass colonic though.


Also the last day that a couple will wake up at all.
Some of those may even end up on U tube. There is one guy standing only two meters from 3 LPG gas bottles and an oxygen bottle and an Auto rifle not fire works but he is claiming its for the 4th of july. Another claims he is letting off 67,000 fire works at once. Stats say several deaths each year.


It would also suck if he had to stop here on the way down.


Ill offer a nice rack of BBQ pork ribs and a bottle of Bourbon if you do happen to pass by this way. You know Im good for it. :smiley:

Im not in any way saying that ozzies are any safer with fireworks perhaps not quite as extreme but just as reckless. Not sure what our stats were.

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Really, what are you sayin’, that when we were kids running around shooting at each other with Roman candles wasn’t safe???

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Yeah something like that dont forget the baby rocket guns. All the kids on my block had them it was full on.

Yes, we could discuss Voting YES! and chopping our sons cocks off!

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Are you Greek???


To put this back on track the 4th of July is also known statistically for the most mass shootings of any day of the year. Typically at block parties when small arguments turn nasty and then there are collateral damage of other part goers.

Nah mate, Aussie as!