Hey, @wazza2222 I’ve sold my webley, i have Bertram cases, used and new, would you be interested?
I’d be interested mate but I suspect the shipping will make it prohibitive… How much you asking (and cost of postage to 3883 NZ)?
Oh, damn, yeah, NZ might be hard!
if its only brass js would be possible imo. im in process of expoprt 2 bsa rare 1923 22lr magazines to wisconsin usa. was lots of paper work as gun parts. @wazza2222 find out if you need import permit for brass. thats where id start. if not required i see no reason just post them. but a call to boarder force to confirm would pay.
as i said get wazza to ask his end if he can buy brass from australia with out an import permit. if he can you ring abf or go online and look. or ask do you need export permit to send. if no permits required imo you can just do your deal box up brass and post off. if customs nz open they should just reseal and forward to wazza.
i rang abf as i have all their info at hand. No @juststarting you need export permit to send mt firearm brass out of australia. well that fucks that idea.
Definitely fks the idea.