The whiskey corner

Let is sit for few minutes in a glass and try at room temperature… Personally, I drink spirits neat regardless of what it is. But hey, taste is very subjective.


I like to keep the bottle in the freezer and skip the ice.

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I stand by my statement :slight_smile:

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We best share a bottle at the next plinkfest…

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I really love Johnny Walker Blue label…but its over $200 a bottle…might have to wait for Xmas for that one!

I have been enjoying a taste of this whiskey that my friend made over the years as its been ageing. Amazing process. Corn whiskey. Guy make award winning beer too.


Decided to get another bottle of the Elijah Craig while it’s on special. Had only had it neat/rocks but it mixes great with coke. Bit stronger than average at 47% so doesn’t lose too much when mixed, just seems to bring the cinnamon and vanilla to the front.

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Been through a few since my bday last year… I was spoilt by friends!

Sadly, most are empty now & I might have to restock…

Yes. That say’s 63% abv :flushed::nerd_face::+1:


Nant is very nice. Super expensive though, Balviene is similar but le$$ so

Have any of you tried this?

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Nant doesn’t exist anymore. Very hard to get a bottle…

Never seen it before. Go alright?

That explains why i wasn’t able to find any more

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Haven’t tried it yet mate

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Long story but put simply, remaining stocks rebranded under Lark a year or two ago. Lark/AWH bought Nant out about 4 or so years ago.

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I think after Sullivans Cove win (which is bs in itself) all other Tas distilleries got on the bandwagon, selling half the quantity and double the price. It was always less quantity, the price came later. I feel like they are trying to be cool by association more than anything else. They are all super nice, but the price tag is disproportional, when compared to something like the cheapest (I use this relatively) Balvenie coming in $70+ cheaper and 200ml more in many cases, and it’s imported! So yeah, nice to try but overall, buying anything from Tas distilleries feels like you’ve been had, so I don’t do it out of principle.

Was trying to remember what I had, was Nant - Sherry Cask in 2017 :slight_smile:

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Some Tassie whiskies are worth it but some have been crazy xxxy even before Sullivan Cove doubled their price over night.

That being said, I totally agree that quality full bottles from the likes of Aberour, lagavulin, dalwhinny, oban et al are better value due to economies of scale & the fact they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years, not mere 10s…

well, fuck, pretty good taste for a sister chaser, I thought you were just diluting metho with lemon juice

I had Oban at some point and it was fantastic. And after I could never replicate that taste. I think I may have been eating something at the time that probably complimented it really well, but I was never able to get that taste again. :confused:

Had an Oban 10yo about 8 years ago that was very affordable at about $90 back then, great seaside flavours that went great with a pale ale… even designed a beer to go with it :joy:

Current 10yo stock likely different.

Looking at Nicks now to order Aberlour A’Bunadh…. Last bottle I had was great about a year ago.

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