Hope you aren’t using grams, might get some spicy loads.
Pffft, if you’re not chasing decimals, what the hell are you doing lol.
This really is the future for accuracy gents. Take note.
That’s a bigger humble brag than posing with a Ferrari these days. Such an extravagant display of wealth sir. Well done.
1200 in one sitting is commitment !
Get enough lead into the atmosphere, its gotta run into something i guess…
Love your work!
I see a box of 350 legend on your shelf mate. Do you shoot that and if so what are your thoughts on it mate?
Yes, I bought the Ruger 350 more out of curiosity. Did some handloading for it but found it shot the factory ammo best. Surprisingly accurate. MOA and under with the 150 grainers. Sold it on about 2 months back. Solid cartridge for pig or deer.
Yeah, I did a session over the last couple of days. Threw a bunch of boxes out, then decided to take a pic with leftovers!
Worked through equipment failure and everything. Now need to reprint a few parts and I am good for a while in this chambering. Time to start loading big bangers now.
Is that 22-250 you are loading?
Forster people understand.
Im still amazed by these things.
…and all of a sudden people stopped voting Labor for no reason at all.
This is an insult to reloading!
Look deep into its…depth. 100 grains of PURE FURY, sent to its destiny by no less than 2.2 grains of whatever flammable material I had lying around.
you make me flaccid.