Barrel cleaning and its relation to accuracy

Should be fine, just remember that it takes cartridge ammo, it’s not a muzzle loader :blush:

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I think I do way more barrel cleaning when Im developing loads. Once I am happy, I tend to let them settle in and I dont really clean until there is an issue with accuracy, at least in my centrefire rifles.

On my centrefire revolvers using coated bullets only, I hardly swab the barrel with chemical. I scrub the cylinder with chemicals every few hundred, but the barrel is like every thousand or so. Coated lead is the best thing ever.

I don’t know enough to pontificate, just what seems to work for me.

The only bore clean my .223 gets is a snake every time before putting away because my house is as damp as a swamp, and it can deliver better than I can shoot.

The Lithgow on the other hand, which gets the snake as well (same reason) will be a laser for a couple hundred then starts getting squirrelly so I give it a good scrub with the bronze brush with CLP.
It doesn’t like being really clean so 5 rounds of plinking ammo to foul it and it’s back to laser.
I give the little sound forwarder a bath in vinegar every time as well.

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